Tuesday, March 16, 2010


A friend of mine has been having problems sleeping for a while now, and has just told me that he's been taking 40mg of Temazepam each night for the last 6 days (this has not been prescribed by a doctor). He isn't on any other medication, but he has mild epilepsy (seizures once every 6-12 months, doesn't take any medication). I have been reading a bit about it, and it seems that 40mg is over the maximum dose, and that people with a history of epilepsy should not take it. I've also read that when you come off Temazepam, it should be done gradually. I'm sure your best advice would be to go to a doctor, but it just won't happen. I think he will agree to stop taking it, but would it be best for him to take 37.5mg (3 & 3/4 tablets) tomorrow or jump down to 30mg (the maximum 'safe' dose) straight away?

Please understand, first of all you dont even know if it really is restoril, as it wasnt prescribed by a doctor.   Understand I am not an md, but when it comes to restoril which is the name for temazepan, when you stop all your sleep problems come back horrendously, the withdrawal will make you listless, nausiated, and could even produce a seizure, he needs to go to an md, but if he wont.  what he must do is gradually chop off 1/4 of the pill then wait 7 to 10 days then go down to 1/2 then wait another 7-10 days then another quarter and finally off of it, as you need to wait the 7-10 days to have your brain adjust to the lessor dose understand he will still have the withdrawal effects but very little , if he does have bad withdrawal then he must cut the dosage even smaller back or wait longer than 10 days to reduce the dose again.  i also am enclosing safe no drug tips to help insomnia, feel free to email again, and please go to an md, its safer.karel

You must reset your sleep clock. Do the following religiously for

4-6 weeks though many have seen changes in as little as  2 weeks.

You must go to bed and awaken the same time every day regardless

of how much or little sleep you got the night before. This starts to

reset your sleep clock.  3 hours before bedtime stay away from

tea, coffee, caffeine, caramel colored soda like, coke,pepsi, ginger ale,

or root beer, chocolate and exercise .All these make for restless sleep.

Make sure room is quiet and dark. When you go to bed if you start to

twist and turn or if you wake up in the middle of the night and cant

go back to sleep, twist and turn for only 20 minutes, then get up, go

into a different room and read a book or magazine only! No computer!

When you start to doze immediately go back into the bedroom.Do this as

many times as you awaken during the night.It will lesson.This retrains

the brain into thinking that the bedroom is for restful sleep only.

30 minutes before bedtime take a hot bath and immerse hands under the

water.Latest research states that the palms of the hand when immersed

in hot water send signals to the brain to relax. 15 minutes before bedtime\

drink a glass of warm milk. Milk when heated contains tryptophan, a

natural amino acid sleep inducer. Go to sleepnet.com click on disorders

insomnia for more tips. Feel free to email again , Karel

Involuntary Noises When Sleeping

I too have been having the same problem as two others I've seen on your site & I wanted to know if you've heard of anything else about this since you've been asked this question (other than vaporizer):

I have similar symptoms to the poster who said: "When I am either sleeping or just at the stage when I am falling asleep, I make involuntary vocal noises, kind of like a "uh", which are usually done at my normal speaking volume."

Unlike this poster, I wake up when I hear the sound. It is like I am saying, "hmm" but it is not a long drawn out sound like when someone says "hmmmmm". This started a few weeks ago. I have also had a terrible problem with coughing and throat spasms, so I wonder if they are related.


If you are having throat spasms it could be that you have gastric reflux or a cold, etc.  I would sleep on more than 1 pillow elevated. If this persists and you notice you awaken in your sleep coughing or choking it could be sleep apnea, go to sleepnet.com click on disorders sleep apnea, however from what you are saying it sounds more like you are having a cough or cold, or other breathing difficulties if the cough persist it could be the beginning of asthma or emphysema or simply gastic reflux,feel free to email again karel

Involuntary Noises When Sleeping

QUESTION: I too have been having the same problem as two others I've seen on your site & I wanted to know if you've heard of anything else about this since you've been asked this question (other than vaporizer):

I have similar symptoms to the poster who said: "When I am either sleeping or just at the stage when I am falling asleep, I make involuntary vocal noises, kind of like a "uh", which are usually done at my normal speaking volume."

Unlike this poster, I wake up when I hear the sound. It is like I am saying, "hmm" but it is not a long drawn out sound like when someone says "hmmmmm". This started a few weeks ago. I have also had a terrible problem with coughing and throat spasms, so I wonder if they are related.


ANSWER: If you are having throat spasms it could be that you have gastric reflux or a cold, etc.  I would sleep on more than 1 pillow elevated. If this persists and you notice you awaken in your sleep coughing or choking it could be sleep apnea, go to sleepnet.com click on disorders sleep apnea, however from what you are saying it sounds more like you are having a cough or cold, or other breathing difficulties if the cough persist it could be the beginning of asthma or emphysema or simply gastic reflux,feel free to email again karel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oops sorry - The last like I copied was not accurate.. All else was..  I have a cough and a bit of a stuffed nose since it started.. but no throat spasms.

Does that change anything?

This noise is freeking me out. I hear it - but don't feel it coming out of my mouth! It wakes me up just as I am about to fall asleep.  

Thanks so much!  

You should try sleeping with a cold air humidifier, they sell a pediatric one in local drugstores put out by vicks its under 30 dollars, fill with cold water at night and put a tablespoon of salt  in the water and change every night.  place in room at night and close the dorr, the salt will help the cough. it sounds like a tugboat but works, if all else fails consider seeing your doctor .feel free to email again karel

somebody help!!

hello, i am 21 years of age and i have been having some problems. everytime i fall asleep i get woken up in the morning very easily, this is not the problem though. usually after i fall back asleep i start having very weird dreams wich most of the time i can remember, when i wake up i feel like i am not fully awake and almost not concious, i feel like i dont know where i am even though im in my own house and i just feel really out of it all day, everything looks different to me. i dont have health insurance so seeing a doctor is out of the question for right now, i have also done a decent amount of hallucinegenic drugs in the past. my brother takes klonopins and those usually help. it almost feels like im having a 24 hour panic attack, and if i drink alchohol at night in the morning my symptoms are far worse. just by reading i think my neurotransmitters are screwed up or maybe i have a chemical inbalance. also most times at night my eyes are really sesitive to light, like if i see brake lights in front of me when i blink even though the car turned i still see flashes, with any type of strong light. anyway this is ruiing my life i dont feel normal the way i used to and i dont have the same feelings about things i used too. i hope someone out there can help me. thank you


What you are experiencing are called hypanangogic hallucinations as well as natural normal phenomenon. Our bodies are programmed to wake up and go sleep at the same time, but sometimes there is a minute lapse so one is dreaming with ones eyes open. If it happens often and your daily wakefulness is effected, it is a symptom of narcolepsy, but if it happens once in awhile it is normal, in your situation it definitely is from the drugs and alcohol worsens it.  An md will put your on antidepressants which hold back the dream state but only for so long.  I suggest you stay away fromthe alcohol also if it persists then you should see a sleep physician at a sleeep center, your local hospital can refer you,go to sleepnet.com click on disorders narcolepsy and read about its symptoms hypnanagogic hallucinations, you dont have narcolepsy but they explain it better, if its just once in awhile relax its normal, if you can remember when it happens to move your eyeballs from right to left it will break the cycle feel free to email again karel

somebody help!!

QUESTION: hello, i am 21 years of age and i have been having some problems. everytime i fall asleep i get woken up in the morning very easily, this is not the problem though. usually after i fall back asleep i start having very weird dreams wich most of the time i can remember, when i wake up i feel like i am not fully awake and almost not concious, i feel like i dont know where i am even though im in my own house and i just feel really out of it all day, everything looks different to me. i dont have health insurance so seeing a doctor is out of the question for right now, i have also done a decent amount of hallucinegenic drugs in the past. my brother takes klonopins and those usually help. it almost feels like im having a 24 hour panic attack, and if i drink alchohol at night in the morning my symptoms are far worse. just by reading i think my neurotransmitters are screwed up or maybe i have a chemical inbalance. also most times at night my eyes are really sesitive to light, like if i see brake lights in front of me when i blink even though the car turned i still see flashes, with any type of strong light. anyway this is ruiing my life i dont feel normal the way i used to and i dont have the same feelings about things i used too. i hope someone out there can help me. thank you


ANSWER: What you are experiencing are called hypanangogic hallucinations as well as natural normal phenomenon. Our bodies are programmed to wake up and go sleep at the same time, but sometimes there is a minute lapse so one is dreaming with ones eyes open. If it happens often and your daily wakefulness is effected, it is a symptom of narcolepsy, but if it happens once in awhile it is normal, in your situation it definitely is from the drugs and alcohol worsens it.  An md will put your on antidepressants which hold back the dream state but only for so long.  I suggest you stay away fromthe alcohol also if it persists then you should see a sleep physician at a sleeep center, your local hospital can refer you,go to sleepnet.com click on disorders narcolepsy and read about its symptoms hypnanagogic hallucinations, you dont have narcolepsy but they explain it better, if its just once in awhile relax its normal, if you can remember when it happens to move your eyeballs from right to left it will break the cycle feel free to email again karel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you i apreciate it. but also i wanted to let you know that, when i wake up i usually have an acidic taste in my mouth almost of metal, that usually persists during the day. and it really feels like i have a loss of perception of things going on around me, i just dont feel how i used to a year ago in terms of the holidays i dont feel like its christmas or anytype of year for that matter. if i closed my blinds i could easily think it was summer outside, its hard to explain i hope you understand. and i feel like im getting worse.

You could have gastric reflux, ssk your md, perhaps he can put you on an antacid.  Also if youre saying a loss of perception then you really need to see a neurologist, you can go to any hospital they have clinics where its free or a sliding scale,ask your local hospital, feel free to email again karel

Fear of falling asleep becasue of the fear of having a nightmare


Im a 18 year old guy who's having problems with falling asleep. It's becasue I am afraid of falling asleep, because when I'm asleep I cannot control my mind and might have a nightmare. So basically, I'm afraid of having a nightmare, therefore I worry very much about falling asleep.

I know it might sound kinda far fetched that I'm afraid of the possibility of being scared, but it is very troublesome for me because I often miss out on good games or movies just because I know that if I watch (or play) them I will most probably end up being nervous, or afraid, of falling asleep. Something this can be connected with is that I somehow feel different about sleeping depending on if it's day or night. If it's daytime when I try to fall asleep, this problem does rarely occur; but if it's during night time, it almost always occur.

Can you please advice me on how to deal with this problem and maybe even how I can cure it?

Can you also tell me what kind of phobia (if it is one) this is?

I would be most thankful for your answer!


I dont know what kind of phobia it is, but you should seek some kind of help, however you can try to stay away from tea coffee caffeine,alcohol, caramel colored soda like coke,pepsi, and exercise, chocolate for 3 hours before your bedtime as this makes for restless sleep. 30 minutes before bedtime try a hot bath , l5 minutes drink a glass of warmmilk. Milk when heated contains tryptophan a natural sleep inducer. Try sleeping with calming music and relax. If these tips dont work, you might consider seeing a therapist. But if you simply relax you will fall asleep, and try to think of something totally different other than a nightmare, think about how relaxed you will feel in the morning from gettting a good nights sleep. feel free to email again karel  ALSO GO TO SLEEPNET.COM CLICK ON SLEEP FORUMS AND SEARCH FEAR OF SLEEPING

Can't sleep!

Hello, my name is ann and i have 15 years old. Since 3 months i have been suffering from sleeping disorder.

Of course i don't smoke, don't drink coffe or anything that has caffeine before sleeping, don't eat before sleeping by three hours, don't exercise before sleeping.

And everytime i feel very sleepy when i watch TV before sleeping, but when i go to bed, i feel active and hyper!!

And i don't seem to find a comfortable pose.

May you please help me and explain why that's happening to me?

You must reset your sleep clock. Do the following religiously for

4-6 weeks though many have seen changes in as little as  2 weeks.

You must go to bed and awaken the same time every day regardless

of how much or little sleep you got the night before. This starts to

reset your sleep clock.  3 hours before bedtime stay away from

tea, coffee, caffeine, caramel colored soda like, coke,pepsi, ginger ale,

or root beer, chocolate and exercise .All these make for restless sleep.

Make sure room is quiet and dark. When you go to bed if you start to

twist and turn or if you wake up in the middle of the night and cant

go back to sleep, twist and turn for only 20 minutes, then get up, go

into a different room and read a book or magazine only! No computer!

When you start to doze immediately go back into the bedroom.Do this as

many times as you awaken during the night.It will lesson.This retrains

the brain into thinking that the bedroom is for restful sleep only.

30 minutes before bedtime take a hot bath and immerse hands under the

water.Latest research states that the palms of the hand when immersed

in hot water send signals to the brain to relax. 15 minutes before bedtime\

drink a glass of warm milk. Milk when heated contains tryptophan, a

natural amino acid sleep inducer. Go to sleepnet.com click on disorders

insomnia for more tips. Feel free to email again , Karel